– Pontianak. Kabarhakam Polri, Police Commissioner-General Arief Sulistyanto, conducted a working visit to Graha Khatulistiwa West Kalimantan Regional Police. The visit was aimed to develop Harkamtibmas (Security and Public Order Maintenance). In the visit, Kabarharkam Polri was accompanied by the Chief of Samapta Bhayangkara Corps (Kakorsabhata), Police Inspector General Nanang Avianto, Acting Head of Development and Operation Bureau (Karobinopsnal), Police Brigadier General Edy Murbowo, Advisor Baharkam (Security Maintenance Agency), Police Brigadier General Benny Setiawan.
Kabahrharkan explained that the Proactive Policing Strategy is the implementation of police duty that prioritizes Preemptive and Preventive efforts and must be based on early solid detection to provide accurate information.
“In West Kalimantan, the potential for conflict is very strong, therefore Preventive and Preemptive efforts are put forward to anticipate unwanted it,” Kabaharka said.
Therefore, the Three Star Police General added that Bhabinkamtibmas (community police) is very important to create security and order so that there will be no more conflict between the community and the police.
Meanwhile, in his greeting statement, the Chief of West Kalimantan Regional Police, Police Inspector Sigid Tri Hardjanto, in his remark, welcomed the Indonesian National Police Kabaharkam and his team as well as informed the situation of community security and order under the work location of West Kalimantan Regional Police, and mentioned the successfulness of West Kalimantan Regional Police.
He also mentioned West Kalimantan Regional Police’s effort in handling the Covid-19 in West Kalimantan.
Kabarhakam of Indonesian National Police also checked Gelar Perlengkapan (equipment checking) Ransus (particular vehicle), Almatsus (special material tools) and crowd control (dalmas) exercising, then continued to check the integrated post of Micro Scale PPKM (enforcement restriction on community activity).