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Monday, February 10, 2025

Investigating Bribery Case, Criminal Investigation Agency of Indonesia National Police Investigated Nganjuk Regency’s Office

inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. Criminl Investigation Agency of Indonesia National Police (Bareskrim Polri) continued to investigate bribery case related to the official positions filling in Nganjuk Regency, east Java. This case brought Nganjuk Regent Novi Rahman Hidayat (NRH) as suspect. Director of Corruption Criminal Act (Tipikor) Police Brigadier General Djoko Purwanto explained his team had conducted searches at several points, and one of them was at the Regent Novi Rahman Hidayat’s office.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Agency (Kabareskrim) gave no detail about the location or the search. However, he said the activity was carried out in order to accelerate the completion of case files.

“Several places such as the regent’s working room, the regent’s office, offices of the head of district involved. The results are still being investigated, related to the evidence. Yes, it is true (witnesses are investigated in Nganjuk),” he explained.

Previously, Bareskrim investigated number of witnesses regarding the bribery case of filling position in the Nganjuk Regency, East Java. There were 24 witnesses who were investigated. They were investigated in Nganjuk, East Java.

“The witnesses investigated were 24 persons. Many of them are from Nganjuk,” as explained by Kabareskrim. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has handed over the investigation of buying and selling positions case in Nganjuk Regency that ensnared Nganjuk Regent Novi Rahman Hidayat to the Directorate of Corruption Crimes Bareskrim Polri. Until now, Novi along with other six persons have been decided as suspect in buying and selling position case in Nganjuk. The other six persons are Head of Pace Sub-Distric, Dupriono, Head of Tanjonganom Sub-District, Edie Srijato, Head of Brebek Sub-district, Haryanto, Head of Loceret Sub-District, Bambang Subagio, former Head of Sukomoro Sub-District, Tri Basuki Widodo and the Regent’s aide M. Izza Muhtadin.

For their action, Novi and Izza are suspected of violating Article 5 paragraph 2 and / or Article 11 and or Article 12 B of Law (UU) Number 31 Year 1999 on Corruption Eradication as amended by Law Number 20 Year 2001 on Amendments to Law Number 31 Year 1999 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. Meanwhile, other suspects are suspected of violating Article 5 paragraph 1 letter a or b and or Article 13 of Law Number 31 Yearf 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 Year 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code

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