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Monday, February 10, 2025

Chief of South Sulawesi Regional Police Leads Apel Welcoming Ceremony 1 at Corps Brigade’s Population Alert School of South Sulawesi Under Operating Control of Full Duty Officers of Papua’s Regional Police

Inp.polri.go.id – Makassar. A total of 1 Company-level Unit (SSK) South Sulawesi Police Mobile Brigade, who carried out the assignment of Under Operating Control of Papua’s Regional Police, finally returned to their original unit after completing their duties. The 1st Population Alert School Apel Welcoming ceremony for the South Sulawesi Mobile Brigade troops was led directly by Chief of South Sulawesi Regional Police, Pol. General Inspector Merdisyam, at South Sulawesi Regional Police Headquarter.

In this activity, Deputy Chief of South Sulawesi Regional Police, Brig. Pol. Halim Pagarra, Chief of Operational Bureau of South Sulawesi’s Regional Police, Pol. Grand Commissioner Adeni Muhan, Dirsamapta, Pol. Grand Commissioner Mulyadi, Dirpolairud South Sulawesi’s Regional Police, Pol. Grand Commissioner Supeno and Brigade Corps of Battalion Commander and other High-Rank Executives from South Sulawesi Regional Police’s Corps Brigade Unit.

In his mandate, the Chief of South Sulawesi Regional Police expressed his gratitude and pride to all personnel who have succeeded in carrying out their duties in Yalimo Regency, Papua Province.

“The implementation of the task that you have carried out is a success and an award where you have inked gold in the land of Papua. Therefore, I, as the head of the South Sulawesi Regional Police and all the big families of South Sulawesi Regional Police, would like to thank them for their dedication and dedication during the implementation of their duties in the area of operation,” explained the South Sulawesi Regional Police Chief.

Welcome and happy gathering with your family; you have left your family for a long time, especially in the situation yesterday during Eid it didn’t get celebrated with your family,” explained the South Sulawesi Regional Police Chief.

The Chief of South Sulawesi Regional Police congratulated Eid Mubarak holiday to personnel who had carried out the Papua Regional Police’s Under Operating Control, which in the celebration of Eid Mubarak, this personnel held Eid Celebration in the area of Operation

“This assignment is an extraordinary dedication, once again the highest appreciation for colleagues. Also, happy Eid Mubarak 1442 H for members whom yesterday did not have the opportunity to be together with their families,” explained the Chief of South Sulawesi Regional Police.

On the same occasion, the South Sulawesi Regional Police’s Mobile Brigade Commander Unit, Pol. Grand Commissioner Muhammad Anis P.S also expressed his pride and gratitude to the Under Operating Control of Papua’s personnel.
“Thank you for your dedication during your assignment in Papua; you have succeeded in carrying out your duties as expected by our leadership,” explained South Sulawesi Corps Regional Brigade’s Commander Unit.

“This is a form of Bhakti Brimob that we do, always be there for the people of Papua when we are on duty there,” explained South Sulawesi’ ‘s Corps Brigade Commander Unit.

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