– Jambi. Chief of Jambi Regional Police, Police Inspector General A. Rachmad Wibowo, and Commander of Regional Military 042 Gapu, Brigadier-General M. Zulkifli, visited and checked several polling stations for the implementation of Governor Re-election of Jambi in Muara Jambi Regency, Wednesday (26/05/21).
For the information, the implementation of the Governor Re-election of Jambi will be held on Thursday 27 May 2021, consisting of 88 Ballot collections, in 5 regencies/cities in Jambi Province.
Specifically for Muaro Jambi District, there are 59 polling stations out of 88 polling stations that implement the Governor Re-election of Jambi, covering three districts, namely Jaluko District, Sungai Gelam District, and Sungai Bahar District.
Jambi Police Chief, Police Inspector General A Rachmad Wibowo instructed all members to carry out their PSU security duties as well as possible and with a complete sense of responsibility and maintain the National Police’s neutrality in the Governor Re-election of Jambi on May 27 tomorrow.
“Carry out duties and responsibilities and maintain neutrality and conduciveness during the election,” explained the Kapolda.
Kapolda hopes that the Ballot collections officers are tasked with implementing the Covid-19 handling health protocol when voting so that the Governor Re-election of Jambi runs smoothly and is conducive.
The Jambi Police Chief also confirmed the implementation of antigen swabs for Election officers to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Danrem emphasized to all members to carry out their Governor Re-election of Jambi security duties as well as possible and with a complete sense of responsibility and maintain the Military’s neutrality in the Governor Re-election of Jambi on May 27 tomorrow.
“The neutrality of the Army is a mandate of the law. Therefore the Army will not tolerate violations of laws & regulations on neutrality,” he said.
In this check, the Chief of Jambi Police was also accompanied by the Director of Criminal Investigation of Police Grand Commissioner Kaswandi Irwan, Commander of Military Command, Col. ARH Ibnu S, Head of Propam Police Grand Commissioner Julihan Muntaha, Head of Public Relations Police Grand Commissioner Mulia Prianto and Head of Finance as Regional Head of Muaro Jambi Region, Police Commissioner Dedi Agus Sulistiono, Dandim 0415 / BTH Col. INF J Hadiyanto and Head of Muaro Jambi Police Grand Commissioner Attendant Ardiyanto.