– Padang. The West Sumatra Regional Police extended the operation time of Insulation posts at the border of West Sumatra Province until May 30, 2021. This was done to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
West Sumatra Regional Police’s Head of PR, Pol. Grand Commissioner Satake Bayu Setianto said, the extension of guarding the Insulation post which is in the jurisdiction of West Sumatra Regional Police will last until the next week.
“This Insulation post in West Sumatra has the validity period of being extended again. Starting from May 25 to 31, 2021,” he explained.
For drivers passing through the post, they must show a certificate of the results of the rapid antigen test and obey health protocols. According to him, time was added to this Insulation post in accordance with the Head of Police’s Telegram (STR) Letter Number: STR / 408 / V / PAM.3.2. / 2021 dated May 23, 2021 signed by the Chief of Nartional Police.
In addition to carrying out Operation Yustisi, his team is currently carrying out Enhanced Routine Activities (KRYD) as an effort to prevent and control the Corona Virus (Covid-19).
“Also a Circular from the Covid-19 Handling Task Force. Let us prevent and jointly suppress the spread of Covid-19, by always adhering to health protocols,” he concluded.