– Jambi. The captain of Wicly Jaya Sakti Motorboat, which sank on May 22, 2021, was determined as suspect by Ditpolairud of Jambi Regional Police.
Director of Ditpolairud of Jambi Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner P Lumban Gaol said the suspect determination is based on te fact that the boat’s skipper, initials A, was suspected violating shipping regulation.
“Referring to existing facts and witnesses, the skipper violated the Shipping Law,” as explained by P Lumban Gaol, Tuesday (05/24/21).
He explained the skipper was allegedly guilty of carrying passengers on a boat for logistics. He violates the Shipping Law, and could be sentenced 10 years in prison.
“The document is for sailing and met the requirements to sail. However it was misused. It should be for logistics instead of transporting people,” as said by The Mid-Officer of Jambi Regional Police.
Up till now, the skipper of the drowning boat is still under investigation.