– Palembang. South Sumatra ‘s Regional Police Chief, Pol. Inspector General Eko Indra Heri issued an announcement regarding the Prohibition of Blocking State Roads.
This declaration was issued to prevent and anticipate the reoccurrence of demonstrations and road blockages on the Lintas Sumatra road to be precise in Karang Anyar Village, District Muara Rupit, Musi Rawas Utara Regency (Muratara).
South Sumatra Regional Police’s Head of PR, Pol. Grand Commissioner Supriadi, accompanied by the Chief of Community Development’s Sub-head, Police Grand Commissioner Iralinsah, said that the announcement of the South Sumatra Police Chief, numbered: MAK / 08 / V / 2021 dated May 24, 2021, stated that everyone was obliged to obey the applicable law, public order and security, respecting the rights and freedoms of others and not committing illegal acts such as:
(a) Road blocking / blocking using stones, trees, used tires and other objects;
(b) Acts which cause traffic buildings to crumbled so that they cannot be used;
(c) Acts which pose a danger to traffic safety;
(d) Acts which disrupt the function of State roads.
“With this declaration of the South Sumatra’s Regional Police Chief, it was hoped that the people of the Province of South Sumatra could understand if the actions of the community that violate or interfere with the interests or rights of others can be taken by the Police and can be brought towards The law (court) ends in prison or every person is prohibited from deliberately destroying or making buildings unusable for public traffic or obstructing public roads by land or water or thwarting efforts to secure buildings or roads as regulated in Article 192 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code can be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 9 years or every person is prohibited from deliberately committing Activities that result in disruption of the function of the road within the road benefit space as regulated in Article 63 paragraph (1) of Law Number 38 of 2004 concerning roads can be subject to a maximum imprisonment of 18 months or a maximum fine of IDR 1,500,000,000 (one billion five hundred million rupiah),” said Pol. Grand Commissioner Supriadi, Tuesday (05/25/21)
The Head of PR said to all people in South Sumatra Province to be able to understand this edict and be able to obey what is stated in the Chief of Police’s declaration so that we can maintain public order and security together and always implement the 5M program (washing hands with soap, keeping distance, wearing masks, avoiding crowding and reducing mobility) 3T (early inspection / testing, tracking / tracing, treatment / treatment).