– Palembang. The Chief of South Sumatra Regional Police (Kapolda Sumsel), Pol. Inspector General Eko Indra Heri gave awards to the South Sumatra Regional Police’s personnel for their achievements in their service as Police. The award was given when the South Sumatra’s Regional Police held a rally at the South Sumatra’s Regional Police Headquarters at Lapangan Apel, Monday (05/24/21). In addition to giving awards, the South Sumatra Police Chief also carried out an attack on the email list of Police personnel for activation or synchronization of emails on the use of the South Sumatra precision and songket application as well as the handover of keys and certificates of housing assistance to personnel who don’t have house. Furthermore, the provision of medicinal aid from the Holy Buddha of Palembang was symbolically accepted by the South Sumatra’s Regional Police Chief.
The activity was also attended by the Deputy Chief of South Sumatra’s Regional Police, Pol. Brigadier General Rudi Setiawan and the main officials of South Sumatra’s Regional Police.
In the Apple that morning, the Head of the South Sumatra Regional Police gave his congratulations and thanks for the hard work of the South Sumatra Regional Police personnel who have tried to maximize performance and show extraordinary results so that they can make achievements.
“Wherever we work, both in the operational sector and in field of coaching, as long as we are willing to try and optimize our potential, of course there is open space for us to make achievements,” explained the South Sumatra’s Regional Police Chief.
“Let the leader judge the achievement, our job is to do the job as good as possible. Because rest assured that if we do a good job, it will definitely have an impact on the achievements that we make and can be proud of both ourselves and our unity.”
Chief of Regional Police hopes that in the future each personnel could develop and improve their abilities as well as potential.
“Because I believe that if we have will and enthusiasm, we could certainly do a good performance. Continue to maintain your health and do your job as good as possible because in the future the task of National Police will be increasingly difficult to provide the best service for the community,” explained the South Sumatra’s Regional Police Chief.