-Batam. The Riau Island’s Regional Police disposed of 2,139.65 grams of Crystal Meth drugs. The disposal of drug evidence was led by Chief of Sub-Directorate Unit I in Directorate of Drug Investigation, Riau Island’s Regional Police Commissioner Raja Buntat, Abbas, PS and Paur II Sub-Sector for Community Management, Riau Island Regional Police’s Head of PR Police Second Inspector Husnul Afkar.
“The total amount of evidence that was secured was 2,224.07 grams of Crystal Meth,” he added, then set aside for destruction as much as 2,139.65 grams.
″ Based on two Police Reports and a Confiscation Decree from the Batam District Prosecutor’s Office, as well as a Forensic Laboratorium Inspection Report, the disposal of this evidence is performed. And the remaining 84.42 grams is set aside for examination in the laboratory and evidence in court, ” explained Sub-Directorate Unit I of Directorate of Drug Investigation, Riau Island’s Regional Police.
Evidence of this type of crystal meth is disposed by boiling it with hot water and after dissolving it is disposed of into a Septic Tank. As well as witnessed directly by the suspects and invited guests from the Prosecutor’s Office, Riau Island’s Provincial Narcotic Board, National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Indonesia, Advocates and NGO of Granat.
As a result of their actions the suspects are subject to Article 114 Paragraph (2) and / or Article 113 Paragraph (2) and / or Article 112 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 Paragraph (1) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 Concerning Narcotics. With the threat of death penalty or life imprisonment or imprisonment for a minimum of 5 years or a maximum of 20 years.