-Medan. Chief of North Sumatera Regional Police, Pol Inspector General R.Z. Panca Putra S, accompanied by High Rank Officials of North Sumatera Regional Police visited Koramil 21 Garoga headquarter in North Tapanuli District, Monday (05/24/21).
Using helicopter, Chief of North Sumatera Regional Police and his team arrived at Koramil 21 Garoga Headquarter, and welcomed by the Chief of Garoga Military District Command.
Head of Public Affairs North Sumatera Regional Police Police Grand Commissioner Hadi Wahyudi said the visit was aimed to enhance relationship and provide mutual support in performing duty, particularly to handle Covid-19.
“Besides increasing synergy and maintaining relationship, the visit of Chief of North Sumatera Regional Police to Koramil Garoga 21 was also aimed to provide antigen swab to the people of Huta Gur Gur Hamlet (Dusun), Aek Tangga Village, Garoga Sub-district, North Tapanuli District who are infected by Covid-19,” as mentioned by the Head of Public Affairs North Sumatera Regional Police.
He also mentioned the Chief of North Sumatera Regional Police donated 500 antigen swabs and 150 bottles of vitamin, handed to Forkopimda (Regional Leaders Communication Forum) to be distributed to the people Dusun Huta Gur Gur.
“The population of Dusun Huta Gur Gur is 307 and those confirmed by Covid-19 are 147 people. For the other 160 people, testing will be carried out for 3-7 days,” as explained by the Head of Public Affairs.
He also said the Chief of North Sumatera Regional Police had asked Forkopimda to monitor the people’s mobility in Dusun Huta Gur Gur, and health examination needs to be conducted everyday until the end of self-isolation in May 28. 2021.
“Bhabin (community security and order board), bhabinsa (noncommissioned law enforcement officer posted in villages) have to keep following Health Protocol. Also we need to data the people who are isolated in the place provided by task force’s team leader, so Covid-19 spread in Garoga Sub-district could be prevented,” as said by the Head of Public Affairs North Sumatera Regional Police.