– South Lampung. Police determined Two more suspects in the case of burning and vandalism at the Candipuro Police Sector Headquarters, South Lampung. Up till now, the number of the suspects are 12 people.
“Up till now the suspects of the vandalism case of Candipuro Police Sector headuarter are 12 people,” as explained by the Head of Public Affairs Division Lampung Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, Monday (05/24/21).
He also added the new two suspects are RH and RS. They become suspect after the investigators performed crime reconstruction.
“The investigators increased the status from investigation to advance investigation,” as said by Head of Public Affairs Division Lampung Regional Police.
According to the Mid-Level Offcier Lampung Regional Police, previously police had no enough proves to arrest the suspect, RH and MS. However, after the additional investigation to witnesses and crime reconstruction, the two persons can be arrested.
The two new suspects were charged under Article 170 of the Criminal Code (KUHP). Currently, the two suspects have been detained South Lampung Resort Police Detention Center.