– Pekanbaru. Deputy Chief of Riau Regional Police, Police Brigadier General Tabana Bangun, conveyed the message from the President of the Republic of Indonesia that all government apparatus in Riau Province have to be able to reduce the number of Covid-19 transmission in Riau Province in two weeks. He conveyed the messade during Morning Flag Raising Ceremony at the flag ceremony field of Riau Regional Police Headquarter.
“Thus, we have to respond to it,” the Deputy Chief of Riau Regional Police explained.
According to the Deputy Chief of Riau Regional Police, in recent days Pekanbaru has become the number one in Covid-19 spreading in Riau. Therefore, the Deputy Chief of Riau Regional Police asked the police personnel to readily follow the President’s orders and make them as Kegiatan Rutin Yang Ditingkatkan/KRYD (Enhanced Routine Activities) so that Riau Province and Pekanbaru particularly will be out of the red zone situation. So far, Forkopimda (regional leader forum) has taken optimal policies, and one of which is mass vaccination.
“The Indonesian police members and their families must support the president’s order by being vaccine recipient. So that immunity can be formed. Until now, reports of the Indonesian National Police’s family who was infected by Covid-19 outbreak is decreasing from day to day and we hope that our families are always healthy. Therefore, let us continue to defend it with all our efforts. Thus, the President’s hope can be realized well, ” he concluded.
The Deputy Chief of Riau Regional Police continued, after we get immunity, we also have an external responsibility or an outward responsibility. Namely, being part of the Covid-19 pandemic countermeasures. Pekanbaru area is the contributor to the highest infection rate. Therefore, the Indonesian National Police must provide information and education to the public. Especially with the President’s visit in Riau Province.
Currently, prevention efforts are always being increased. “Salus Poluli Supreme Lex Esto” People’s safety is the highest law. We must apply it. Whatever our actions are to protect the safety of the people. Therefore the people’s safety is our main effort.
“We don’t take holiday [as way] to reduce the cases. In two weeks the transmission rate have to reduce. The Indonesian National Police Integrated Service Unit will visit house to house, checking who has just returned home. Monitoring and conducting swab test, monitoring tracing so that the transmission of Covid can be controlled, “said the Deputy Chief of Riau Regional Police at the end of his direction.