– Jakarta. Polri recorded that smuggling and drug abuse became the number one case during the 2021 Ketupat Operation that was held for 12 days from May 6 – 17, 2021.
“There are top three cases during 2021 Ketupat Operation. The first is drugs, then special theft [known as pencurian dengan pemberatan] and embezzlement,” as mentioned by Head of General Information Division (Kabagpenum) Public Affairs Division of Indonesia National Police, Police Grand Commissioner Ahmad Ramadhan at the Public Affairs Building of Indonesian National Police Headquarter.
He mentioned that during the 12 days of the 2021 Ketupat Operation, there 5,597 cases of disturbance of public order and security (Kamtibmas).
Of the 5,597 cases, the top three causes are drugs with 592 cases, then extraordinary theft (curat) with 540 cases and embezzlement with 297 cases.
“There are 5,597 cases of public security and order (kamtibmas)’s disturbance during Ketupat Operation, with the top three are drugs 592 cases, curat 540 cases and embezzlement 297 cases,” as mentioned by Kabagpenum.
The 2021 Ketupat Operation was implemented for 12 days (May 6-17), involving 166,734 personnel nationally, with 834 personnel from the Indonesian National Police Headquarter, 93,336 personnel from Regional Police and 72,564 personnel from the affiliated institution.
Besides securing and monitoring the health protocol implementation before and during 2021 Eid, the operation was also purposed to prevent the people from travelling to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
“The objective of Ketupat Operation was to ensure the logistic and fuel distribution were running smoothly, as well as to reduce the fatality of traffic accident,” he explained.