26.5 C
Saturday, February 15, 2025

On Army-Police Solidity Handling Covid-19, Health Academics of Mataram University Comments

inp.polri.go.id. – Mataram. West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police, under the leadership of Police Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal, together with the Indonesian Army and Covid-19 Task Force, never stops enforcing Covid-19 health protocols in public until today. This activity is affiliated and reached all West Nusa Tenggara to fulfil the Chief of National Police’s 100-day programme.


Three pillars consist of the village head, Community Army Officer, and Community Police Officer united to enforce health protocols in the middle of public business and activity.


Looking at the solidity of the three pillars, health academic of Mataram University (Unram), dr. Hamsu comments.


“We appreciate the work of army and police in enforcing health protocol to prevent Covid-19 transmission. We are synergising. We are collaborating in our duty to educate the public on the importance of health protocol in combating Covid-19”, the Unram’s Dean of Faculty of Medicine said.


Furthermore, dr. Hamsu stated that police’s measures in limiting and insulating people from celebrating Eid and Ketupat Day are a significant step to minimise Covid-19 transmission with the emerging new variants, which has killed thousands in India.


“Officer’s measures must be obeyed for greater good even though some sides felt disadvantaged, such as workers and sellers in tourism objects. These measures are inevitable because if the measures are not conducted, there would be a larger catastrophe with a long time to solve it”, he added.


The positive side is, according to dr. Hamsu, the closure of tourism objects and insulation efforts would save thousands or even millions of West Nusa Tenggara people from this deadly virus.


He added that combating unseen enemy is a tough thing to do, mainly during this pandemic. The war against the virus requires cooperation from all people’s aspects. Everyone must move massively and, the most important is the emergence of awareness on all levels of the public about the enforcement of Covid-19 health protocol. If the enforcement is working, then the virus transmission could be stopped.

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