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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Si Ondel for STNK (Vehicle Registration Certificate) Tax Service by Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police

Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. Traffic Management Directorate of Greater Jakarta metropolitan Regional Police put their concern on the online service of driving license (SIM) to vehicle registration certificate (STNK) extention. The online service is way to minimise corruption, collution, and nepotism –known as KKN practice as well as illegal fee (pungli) practise.


Head of Sub Regident Directorate of Traffics Security (Kasubdit Regident Ditlantas) Greater Jakarta Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner Attendant I Nyoman Yogi Hermawan mentioned that people can extend their driving licence (SIM) using the aplication named SIM Nasional Presisi (SINAR). Meanwhile, the payment of vehicle tax or extending the vehicle registration certificate (STNK) can be done through Si Ondel (Online Delivery), an online application.

He also mentioned the online system is part of the implementation of 100-working-day of Chief of Indonesian National Police, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. The former Head of Crime Investigation Agency of Indonesian National Police stated that the Indonesian National Police should cope with the development of 4.0 digital era.


Beside the online basis of driving liscence and vehicle registration certificate extention, the digital transformation is also applied to the law enforcement of traffic breaker. Yogi mentioned the system of electronic-based ticketing named Traffic Law Enforcement (e-TLE).


“With this program, there will be no practice of illegal fee (pungli). Also, people don’t have to attend (to extend their driving liscence or vehicle registration certificate). All they need to do is just use the application. After it’s finished, it will be sents,” as he concluded.

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