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Chief of Indonesian National Police: Nganjuk Regent’s Bribery Fund Is for Personal Purpose

inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta.Head of Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas) of Indonesian National Police (Polri) Public Affairs Division Police Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono said the current investigation of sell and buy position carried out by the Nganjuk Regent, Novi Rahman was for personal purpose.

“We keep investigating, and we are still studying the case. The current result showed that the flow fund was for personal needs or personal gain,” as mentioned by Rusdi Hartono at the Indonesian Police Headquarter, Jakarta, Wednesday (05/19/21).

Brigjen Pol. Rusdi Hartono mentioned that the cash flow from the practice of office appointment done by Nganjuk Regent was a reward for the position he gave.

The investigators found no indication that the fund resulted from corruption practice flew to the political party that supported him to be a regent.

“Until now, it’s still for his purpose,” as mentioned by the Karo Penmas.

Previously, the Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) of Indonesian National Police and Corruption Eradiction Commission (KPK) arrested Nganjuk Regent Novi Rahman Hidayat in ‘hand catch operation’ (OTT), Monday (05/10).

Besides the Regent, the investigator from Bareskrim Polri and KPK arrested other six suspects. The six supsects were the Regent’s aide and five districts’ head (camat).

Bareskrim Polri investigators had compiled the case files of seven suspects in buying and selling the positions of the Ngajuk Regent into four files.

The first file was on the behalf on Nganjuk regent Novi Rahman Hidayat (NRH). Investigators have ininvestigated 11 witnesses.

The second file was on the behalf of M. Izza Muntadin (MIM) as the Regent’s aide. Number of witnesses investigated was eight perons.

The third file was for the bribers, i.e. the district heads. The files were divided into two files, i.e. for the suspect Dupriono (DR) as Head of Pace District, Plt (acting official) Sukomoro District, Haryanto (HR) as Head of Berbek District, Bambang Subagio (BS) as Loceret Distict. The investigator has investigated eight witnesses.

The fifth file was for the suspect Edie Srijato (ES) as Head of Tanjunganom District and Tri Basuki Widodo (TBW) as Head of Sukomoro District. The investigators had investigated three witnesses.

The suspects were charged with Article 5 paragraph 1 of the Corruption Eradication Law (UU Tipikor) Number 31 Year 1999 as ammended by Number 20 Year 2001, with maximun of five years in prison and fine of IDR 250 million.

Meanwhile, the Nganjuk Regent and his aide are subject to Article 5 paragraph 2 and / or Article 11 and / or Article 12b of the Corruption Eradication Law (UU Tipikor). All suspects were also referred to Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.

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