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East Java Regional Police Performs Phasing Tests for Police Academy Cadets

inp.polri.go.id. – Surabaya. Candidate of the National Police Academy (AKPOL), undergo a test of Physical Ability in Physical Ability, acceptance for the 2021 fiscal year. A total of 289 participants in the physical fitness test for National Police Academy’s cadets lasted for five days, from Tuesday to Saturday (05/18-22/2021), which took place at GOR Sidoarjo.

“We do the physical fitness test stages for the National Police Academy cadets for two days; yesterday, the first wave was done, today the second wave. The total number of participants is 289 people, said East Java Regional Police’s Head of Bureaucracy, Pol. Grand Commissioner Andi Syahriful Taufik, on Wednesday (05/19/2021) at Gor Sidoarjo.

They have followed the previous stages, first the initial administrative examination. Medical examinations and psychology using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) directly from the National Police Headquarters; the academy has four subjects or exam subjects, including mathematics, general knowledge, national insight, and Indonesian Language.

“Yesterday and today, Insya’Allah, until tomorrow, we do the stages of physical health checks. There are three items, the first is Samapta test A and B, the second is swimming, the third is anthropometry,” he continued.

Furthermore, Human Resource’s Head of Bureaucracy of the East Java Regional Police also said that this implementation had been performed with accountable and humanist principles, including obeying strict health protocols for participants who take part in this activity, both the committee and participants must be free from Covid-19.

“It was shown by the results of the antigen swab, which must be valid at least one day before, and including the implementation of the health protocol,” he explained.

For example, it is running. Before this health program or during routine situations, 20 people immediately started at one point. Now, specifically at the East Java Regional Police, make two starting points. So it is divided by ten and ten, and there is no crowd.

“Likewise, during the other activities, pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, shuttle runs, and swimming, they are also not allowed to borrow from each other, because they can wear glasses, but they cannot borrow each other. Then we also sterilize the water in the swimming pool, as well as in anthropometry, because it’s to prevent the spread of covid, ” he added.

Apart from that, parents’ representatives were also present to fulfil the transparency and accountability aspects. They are also directed at all times to obey health protocols.

To this day, there have been no significant problems, and this activity is directly monitored by a team from the National Police Headquarters, led by the Head of the Human Resources Assistant Personnel Control Bureau from National Police’s Brigadier General Jawari, to this day also a team from the Police Headquarters that provides assistance and supervision.
“Likewise from the National Police’s Profession and Security Div for internal supervisors, assisted by internal supervisors from Profession and Security Div at Itwasda’s Regional Police, East Java, as well as from related agencies that we are involved with, “concluded Pol. Grand Commissioner Andi Syahriful Taufik, Regional Police’s Head of PR.

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