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Coordinator Board of Indonesian Islamic Student Movement Bengkulu Branch (PKC PMII Bengkulu) Appreciates Chief of Indonesian National Police’s 100 days Precision Program

inp.polri.go.id. – Bengkulu. It has been 100 days of Predictive, Responsibility, Justice and Transparant (Presisi) raised by the Chief of Indonesian National Police, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Responding to it, PKC PMII Bengkulu Province expressed his true appreciation.


“So far, there has been the progress of Indonesian National Police under the leadership of General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, particularly for the public service. There is various innovation for the public to access Indonesian National Police’s services. It must be appreciated as a way to create a positive image of Indonesian National Police,” as explained by Ifansyah.


According to Ifansyah, the Presisi program of public complaint (Dumas) has the most impact. “Presisi is a concrete program. The Dumas, for instance, is the form of transparency and medium for complaint handing that the society can access,” he added.


Chief of Indonesian National Police also released the ‘Propam Presisi’, a service for the community to report a complaint about police performance. Thus, police performance can be monitored both internally and externally. In addition, the Chief of Indonesian National Police provides the application of SP2HP (Surat Pemberitahuan Perkembangan Hasil Penyidikan / Notification Letter on the Progress of Investigation Results) and e-PPNS (Civil Servant Investigator / Penyidik Pengawal Negeri Sipil) on an online basis.


Police also launched the application of a Precision National Driving License called SIM Nasional Presisi (Sinar). The launching of the smartphone application is aimed to increase public service in the making to extending driving licences. Electronic traffick law Enforcement or ETLE, a service system to enforce law electronically or using machine, was launched.


“100 days program of Chief of Indonesian National Police must be appreciated as Pak Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo has proved his integrity, such as solving the land mafia cases and other criminal acts. As a youth, this is a good example for us to learn, that he has persistence and enthusiasm to build the nation,” as said by Ifansyah.


Ifansyah also praised the figure of the Chief of Indonesian National Police, General Pol. Listyo Sigit. He often conduct a visit to maintain security stability and public order while carrying out a series of meetings with religious leaders and mass organizations (ormas), such as visiting PB NU, visiting the residence of the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH Miftachul Akhyar, then to Muhammadiyah, as well as Rabithah Alawiyah. The Indonesian National Police Chief also conducted a courtesy visit to the Central Leadership Council of the Indonesian Islamic Da’wah Institute.


“So far we see his steps in carrying out his duties as Chief of Indonesian National Police are very progressive and quick to take good action in handling legal cases and problems occurred in society,” said Ifansyah.


“We fully support the Chief’s concrete policy, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to improve services and enforce the law in Indonesia. With the cultural character of the Chief, we think the Chief of Indonesian National can bring new hope to the Bahayangkara corps, that is predictive, responsible, justice and transparent in implementing every policy in this republic, “he concluded.

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