– BALI. The Chairperson of Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) appreciated the Indonesian National Police’s achievements during 100 days’ leadership of Chief of Indonesian National Police (Kapolri) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. He raised the transformation vision of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) Presisi (Predictive, Responsibility, and Fair Transparent). The Indonesian National Police will continue to improve its performance to be firm and build solid, professional and qualified personnel in facing the era of 4.0 Police.
“Polri has succeeded in improving information-technology based public service. In the context of traffic function, we have implemented online international driving license, online precision national driving license application, online driving license exam theory (Eavis), e-PPSI application [for psychological examination], e-Rikkes application [for health examination], and national digital one-stop administration system (Samsat). It is straightforward for people to manage their driving licence online. Just sit down at home, and driving licence will be delivered to our home,” as said by Bamsoet, Wednesday (05/19/21).
He also mentioned that in the function of intelligent and security (Intelkam), the Indonesian National Police had implemented the online system of SKCK (Police Clearance Certificate). Also for various functions such as at the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT), at Criminal Investigation Agency of the Indonesian National Police (Bareskrim) through the implementation of online Notification Letter on the Progress of Investigation Result (SP2HP), at the directorate of cybercrime (Dittipidsiber) through application, at General Supervision Inspectorate Indonesian National Police through Dumas Presisi (integrated public complaint mechanism), and at Division of Profession and Security of Indonesian National Police through Propam Presisi [complain mechanism regarding the professionalism of police’s work].
“Indonesian National Police also add the facility of an electronic ticket (e-TLE). At least up to March 2021, there are 244 electronic ticketing camera points spread across 12 Regional Police areas. Ninety-eight points at Metro Jaya Regional Police’s areas, five points at Riau Regional Police’s area, 55 points at East Java Regional Police’s area, 10 points at Central Java’s Regional Police’s area, 16 points at South Sulawesi Regional Police’s area, 21 points at West Java Regional Police’s area, eight points at Jambi Regional Police’s area, 10 points at West Sumatera Regional Police’s area, four points at DIY (Yogyakarta) ‘s Regional Police area, five points at Lampung Regional Police’s area, 11 points at North Sulawesi Regional Police’s area, and one point at Banten Regional Police’s area. The number will continue to increase,” as mentioned by Bamsoet.
The Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) chairperson mentioned that the Indonesian police still have to deal with many important things. One of them is related to the development of the Indonesian National Police’s resources. Referring to the paper delivered by the Chief of Indonesian National Police in his fit and proper test at the house of representatives in January 2021, as of October 2020, the total of human resources of the Indonesian National Police had reached more than 438,387. Consisting of 24,500 members of the Indonesian National Police at headquarter, 393,543 members of the Indonesian National Police at Regional Police, 3,950 civil servant police at police headquarter, and 16,391 civil servants police at Regional Police.
“A large number of human resource is challenging. Indonesian National Police must ensure no discrimination practice that potentially blocks the progress of Indonesian National Police’s resources. Such as requirements for personnel who can attend staff and leader school for certain graduate background, the requirement to become Chief of Regional Police, to standard for a policewoman,” as concluded by Bamsoet.