– Jakarta. Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police added two antigen swab checkpoints for travelers returning to Jakarta. A total of 14 antigen swab checkpoints have been established. Head of PR at Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police said the two additional posts were at Tanjung Priok Terminal and Kampung Rambutan.
Previously there were 12 posts including; Parking Bay KM 34 B Cibatu Tol Cikampek direction to Jakarta, Pulogebang Terminal, Kalideres Terminal, Jatiuwung, Checkpoint of Kebon Nanas, KTR Service Relations at Batuceper, PT. NCS Logistik Jalan Raya Rengas – Lemahabang, Parung Ciputat Street at Bojong Sari, Raya Bogor street, Sasak Jarang Post, Tomyang Post, and Gatot Subroto Street at Bitung.
Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police’s Chief said that the swab examination will last until May 24, 2021. Drivers will be tested randomly. If the test result from the passenger of the vehicle is negative, he will be allowed to pass and will be given a special sticker. Meanwhile, if the results are positive, all passengers will be referred to Wisma Atlet Regional Hospital to undergo PCR swab and independent isolation.
“There are additional Tanjung Priok Terminal and Rambutan Terminal. So there are 14 points. We do random tests, what kind of random tests are there? For example, in one car the contents are 6, we randomize 50 percent. This means that our three people swab the antigen. We have started to do it. a number of innovations to minimize and even prevent the occurrence of Eid Travel clusters that usually occured during backflow,” he concluded.