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Monday, February 10, 2025

President Jokowi Leads Online Meetings with All Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Ahead of Eid Backflow

inp.polri.go.id – Surabaya. All Regional Leadership Coordination Forum of East Java; Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Regional Military Comm. V Brawijaya Maj. Gen. Suharyanto, and East Java Regional Police Chief Pol. Inspector General Nico Afinta, along with the main officials of the East Java Regional Police, attended the zoom meeting directed by the Republic of Indonesia’s President, Joko Widodo, at the Grahadi State Building, Surabaya.

In his direction, the President of the Republic of Indonesia said that all regional leaders must remain careful. All must be vigilant because of the potential number of Covid-19 cases, even though the Government has issued a policy on Eid Travel.

“The data I received contained 1.5 million people who went home between May 6-17, 2021. Previously i said that 33 percent of the people wanted to traved to their hometowns. Then there is a ban, people are prohibited from going home to 11 percent, after socializing the program, it becomes 7 percent, and when there is insulation, it drops to 1.1 percent,” explained the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Monday (05/17/2021).

The President added, therefore we hope that the active case doesn’t grow bigger as in the past years. Because there has been a decrease number in active cases. Where the peak at that time occurred in February, there were 176 thousands of active cases and now active cases fell to 90,800, which means a decrease of 48 percent.

“There must be consistency, we must have resilience as said by the Minister of Home Affairs. Because this cannot be resolved in just a few months,” he added.

While the cases in each province have increased, there are 15 provinces that have experienced a raise of number. Among them, Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, Jakarta capital City, Maluku, Padang, West Nusa Tenggara, North Maluku, Central Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Gorontalo.

“This is the development of weekly cases on the island of Sumatra that must be careful, such as in Aceh it is down but still in a high position, North Sumatra is up and not going down either, West Sumatra is high but there has been a decreasing number, South Sulawesi is high but there is a decreasing number, Jambi is high but there is a decreasing number. Meanwhile, Bengkulu has dropped drastically,” the President concluded.

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