– Jakarta. Chief of Police Traffic Corps of Indonesian National Police, Police Inspector General Istiono, based on analysis and evaluation of 2021 Ketupat Operation between May 6th to 17th, stated that vehicle volume has significantly decreased compared to normal days.
“Insulation checkpoints prepared for homecoming prohibition has been effective on decreasing homecomer numbers and, during the homecoming prohibition, police have turned around 600,000 vehicles”, Chief of Police Traffic Corps claimed.
Furthermore, according to the Chief of Police Traffic Corps, 600 out 600,000 turned around vehicles are illegal travelling companies that carried passengers.
“In total, during eight days (of operation), we have turned around 600,000 vehicles. Six hundred of them are illegal travelling companies we have dealt firmly”, Chief of Police Traffic Corps added.
Homecoming prohibition is in effect until May 17th. Police have established 381 insulation checkpoints spread from Palembang to Bali.
“I address that in the eighth day of 2021 Ketupat Operation, homecoming waves bound for Central/East Java decreased by 74%, 100% decreased for West Java bound, and 45% for Sumatra island-bound”, he concludes.
As information, the Ministry of Transport initially predicts 23 million trips during Eid’s homecoming. However, based on the latest data from the said ministry, only 1.5 million people left Greater Jakarta.
Police Traffic Corps of Indonesian National Police now focuses on the security operation during Eid’s returning wave. Ministry of Transport predicts that the peak of the wave will occur on May 16th and 20th.
Chief of Police Traffic Corps argues that socialisation on homecoming prohibition during safety operation from April 24th to May 5th has been adequate. The insulation effort conducted on 381 checkpoints from Palembang to Bali has been optimally managed.
“This means a positive public awareness, and our effort on preventive measures such as socialisation and insulation in the field was very effective”, Chief of Police Traffic Corps said.