– Jayapura. The Operational Head of NemangkawiTask Force stated that law enforcement against the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua is carried out in a firm and measured manner. This step was also carried out with humanitarian actions through the Binmas Noken.
The Binmas Noken Indonesian national police were present through various activities, including the “Pi Ajar Police program”. In this program, the police officers teach children knowledge about national insight, reading and counting. The learning pattern given is different, namely learning while playing.
Not only that, but the Binmas Noken Polri also provides good breeding and gardening methods for breeders and farmers who are indigenous Papuans. Assistance and provision of fertilizers and seeds were also provided.
Meanwhile, law enforcement against terrorist groups popular in the Papua region continues to be carried out in a firm and measured manner so that civilians do not become victims.
Head of Public Relations of Nemangkawi Operation Task Force, Police Grand Commissioner M. Iqbal Alqudusy, said that in law enforcement operations for terrorist groups, Indonesian National Army Forces and Indonesian National Police joint personnel have carried out particular mapping.
Mapping was carried out in order to differentiate which part of a terrorist group and which are civilians.
Police Grand Commissioner M. Iqbal Alqudusy stated that the Indonesian National Army Forces and Indonesian National Police will always be present in Papua to enforce the law against terrorist groups.
In addition, the presence of the Indonesian National Army Forces and Indonesian National Police in Papua is to provide a sense of security to the community from the interference of terrorist groups because Papua is part of the Republic of Indonesia.
“The Indonesian National Army Forces and Indonesian National Police remain solid in enforcing the law against terrorist groups in Papua. And, the presence of the Indonesian National Army Forces and Indonesian National Police will always be the security of the people in Papua,” concluded Police Grand Commissioner M. Iqbal Alqudusy
(ym / bq / hy)