Magelang. After monitoring the insulation during homecoming restriction, Central Java Regional Police focused on monitoring tourist destination. Chief of Central Java Regional Police, Police Inspector General Ahman Luthfi, has checked the officers’ readiness at Metroyudan Security Post (Pos Pam), Magelang.
“Currently, we are focussed on tourist destinations in Central Java. We also function our members by establishing Public Address Task Force,” stated by Chief of Central Java Regional Police (14 May 2021).
In particular, the Chief also mentioned that his team would close down or restrict the entry flow to prevent crowds. A decisive step in supervision and ensuring security must be taken to protect people visiting tourism destination.
The Chief expected that it would break the chain of Covid-19 spreading. He also asked Central Java people and visitor always to follow health protocol when visiting tourism destination.
“I remind the public and tourist to implement health protocols so that we can prevent and break the chain of Covid-19 spreading in Central Java. Once again, let us follow health protocol,” said the Two-Star General.