– Kuala Pembuang. To ensure that the 2021 Eid safe and smoothly, the Chief of the Central Kalimantan Regional Police, Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, together with the High-rank executives of Central Kalimantan Regional Police, monitor the implementation of Eid security in Seruyan Regency by holding a Zoom meeting about the safety of 2021 Ketupat Telabang Operation, Thursday (13 May 2021).
During this activity, the Chief of the Central Kalimantan Regional Police asked all personnel to provide the best service to the community in carrying out their duties. To prioritise health protocols, stay alert to anticipate forest and land fires, including preparing all the equipment and components involved.
On the same occasion, Chief of Resort Police Seruyan, Police Grand Commissioner Attendant Bayu Wicaksono, and related elements attended a zoom meeting with the Chief of the Central Kalimantan Regional Police Kuala Pembuang’s Eid checkpoints.
Chief of Resort Police Seruyan explained that securing the Eid in Seruyan went smoothly, including Security and Public Order’s safe and conducive situation. Even the Chief of the Central Kalimantan Regional Police requested that all personnel provide the best service to the community. Remain firm in carrying out duties but must be accompanied by a humanist attitude.