Chief of Central Java Regional Police (Kapolda Jateng), Police Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi stated the explosion case in Ngabean Village, Mirit District, Kebumen Regency, Friday (14 May 2021).
The Chief of Central Java Regional Police said that from the laboratory investigation results, it was confirmed that the explosion that killed the four peoples from firecrackers. In order to uncover this case and find out the origin of the materials for the firecrackers, the Central Java Regional Police have investigated 16 people.
“From the crime scene we developed, we investigate nearly 16 people, including we traced where the firecrackers came from,” explained the Kapolda.
Meanwhile, the Kebumen Police had previously carried out enhanced police activities and secured nearly four quintals of firecrackers. The entire ranks of the Central Java Regional Police destroyed 72,000 pieces of firecrackers.
In this case, two stars generally emphasized that this case would continue to be developed to learn that anyone who keeps and controls firecrackers or explosives material will be subject to criminal sanctions in Indonesian Emergency Law No.12 of 1951.
The information of the examination of a perpetrator who is currently still being treated at the hospital showed that the perpetrators got the firecrackers from Pati and ordered them online.
“Our investigators have gone there to ask for information; later, we will fully describe the further developments,” explained the Kapolda.
At the crime scene, nearly 400 casings were found, but because the four perpetrators were killed, it made it difficult for the police to obtain information.
Due to this incident, the Chief of Central Java Regional Police encourages all Central Java citizens not to mess with firecrackers because they could cause considerable losses and even threaten lives.