– Medan. The Chief of North Sumatra Regional Police, Police Inspector General RZ Panca Putra Simanjuntak, and Deputy Chief of North Sumatra Regional Police, Police Brigadier General Dadang Hartanto, visited the residence of Medan’ Religious Figures at Bambu Street, East Medan District, Wednesday (12 May 2021).
Prof. M Hatta and his family warmly welcomed the arrival of the Chief of North Sumatra Regional Police with Deputy Chief and the High-Rank Executives in North Sumatra Regional Police. Remain at the family meeting to implement health protocols in preventing the spread of Covid-19.
Prof. M Hatta said that Muslims would celebrate Eid 2021 and will have an end in a matter of a few hours.
“For the Eid Night celebration, it should be held in mosques or at home,” he said during a conversation with the Chief of North Sumatra Regional Police and Deputy Chief of North Sumatra Regional Police.
Hatta revealed that the call to hold an Eid Night at mosques and homes is to anticipate crowds during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Do not let the Eid Night celebration by roving Takbir and make convoy also Fiesta, and it will create a new cluster of Covid-19 transmission in Medan. Therefore, I ask Muslims to refrain from carrying out Takbir in their respective mosques and homes,” he said.
On that occasion, The Chief of North Sumatra Regional Police, Police Inspector General RZ Panca Putra Simanjuntak, admitted that he had arrived with the Deputy Chief of the North Sumatra Regional Police in order to establish friendship with religious leaders ahead of Eid 2021.
“We know that 2021 Eid is still in a situation of the COVID-19 outbreaks. Therefore, my visit to the residence of Prof. M Hatta asked for support in order to convey the appeal issued by the government, not to do Roving Takbir,” he concluded.