– Jakarta. Directorate of Corruption Crimes of Criminal Investigation Agency of Indonesian National Police sets seven suspects in the bribery case of auction position of village and sub-district apparatus in Nganjuk Regency.
Nganjuk Regency (NRH) and M Izza Muhtadin (MIM), as the aide of the Regent, set as bribe receiver. Meanwhile, the bribe giver was Dupriono (DR) as head of Pace Sub-district, Edie Srijato (ES) as head of Tanjunganom Sub-district and acting of head Sukomoro Sub-district, Haryanto (HR) as head of Berbek District, Bambang Subagio (BS) as head of Loceret District, and Tri Basuki Widodo (TBW) as former head of Sukomokoro Sub-district.
Investigators at the Directorate of Corruption Crimes at Criminal Investigation Agency of Indonesian National Police have continued the investigation process to the investigation stage using Article 5 paragraph (1) letters a or b, Article 11 and Article 12 B of Law Number 31 the Year 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended and supplemented by Law Number 20 the Year 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Indonesian Penal Code.
Director of Corruption Crime Criminal Investigation Agency of Indonesian National Police revealed cash IDR 647,900,000 from Nganjuk Regent’s deposit box, eight-unit of mobile phones, and one saving account on behalf of Tri Basuki Widodo.
On the previous day, Sunday (May 09, 2021) 7 PM in Indonesian Western Time (GMT +7), the joint team of the Directorate of Corruption Crime, Criminal Investigation Agency of Indonesian National Police, Indonesian National Police and Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has arrested Nganjuk Regent, and several of Nganjuk sub-district heads. As for the modus operandi, they were revealed that the sub-district heads gave the sum of money to the Nganjuk Regent through the Regent’s aides regarding mutation and promotion of their positions and the filling of sub-district level positions in Nganjuk Regency. After that, the Nganjuk Regent aide handed over the money to the Nganjuk Regent.
“Investigators of the Corruption Crime Directorate will continue the investigation, Criminal Investigation Agency of Indonesian National Police with the support and cooperation of the KPK,” mentioned by Director of Corruption Crimes, Criminal Investigation Agency Indonesian National Police.