The Central Kalimantan Regional Police emphasized that the public cannot perform the Roving Takbir as is usually done at the end of Ramadan. Roving Takbir also banned by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion to prevent crowds from occurring.
Chief of Central Kalimantan Regional Police, Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo through the Head of Public Relations Police Grand Commissioner Kismanto Eko Saputro said that the dissolution sanction would be imposed on people caught carrying out roving Takbir or convoys on the highway.
“Takbir feast can still be done at homes and mosques in the neighbourhood. Meanwhile, roving Takbir is not allowed,” explained Kabidhumas, Tuesday (11/5).
The ban on roving Takbir applies both in Palangka Raya City and all districts in Central Kalimantan. For the information, the level of the spread of COVID-19 in Central Kalimantan considerably high.
“In addition to the dissolution sanction, the community can also be subject to violation of the health protocol, the Law on Traffic and Road Transportation. Let us together prevent the spread of COVID-19 by always following health protocols and government recommendations, “he said.
On this occasion, the Head of Public Relations urged the public not to carry out the Eid homecoming to avoid the broader spread of COVID-19 and homecoming clusters. The Central Kalimantan Regional Police have built several insulation checkpoints with related agencies to prevent people from homecoming outside the province of Central Kalimantan or vice versa.