– Jakarta. Head of Agency for Security Maintenance, Indonesian National Police, Police Commissioner-General Arief Sulistyanto said that the community is still in compliance and willing to follow the government’s advice, not homecoming during Eid 2021. The indication is seen from the flow of vehicles that are still in the normal category.
“The vehicle flow density is below normal. The community is still in compliance to the government; therefore, we really appreciate the public understanding,” explained the Head of Agency for Security Maintenance, Indonesian National Police, when visiting the Micro Social Restriction’ checkpoint in Kulonprogo and the insulation post in the Kapanewon Temon area, Sunday 9 May 2021.
Head of Agency for Security Maintenance, Indonesian National Police hopes that this condition will continue as long as the homecoming ban is implemented. The public must avoid crowds to prevent Covid-19 transmission. The Family is much more critical because communication can be an online mode.
As well as in Kulonprogo, Head of Agency for Security Maintenance, Indonesian National Police also reviewed the insulation checkpoint at the Pam Temon, Glagah Monitoring checkpoint and the Triharjo Micro Social Restriction’ checkpoint , Wates.
“As long as the insulation is carried out, nothing stands out, and diminutive travellers,” said Arief Sulistyanto.
Meanwhile, Kulonprogo Police’ Public Relations Sub-Section Head, Police First Inspector, I Nengah Jefry, said that the Kulonprogo Police deployed 295 joint personnel assigned to secure the 2021 Ketupat operation from 6 to 17 May 2021.
“As many as 295 joint personnel were deployed to four security checkpoints, namely in Sentolo, Temon, Glagah and Kaliburi. The joint combatants will also patrol on a mobile basis to anticipate travellers going through alternative routes, “he explained.