INP stated that prosecution related to terrorism cases in Papua was only carried out against an armed criminal group (KKB) that had already been identified. The alleged perpetrators also attempted to be arrested alive to gather information.
“All have been identified, and there are several groups that interfere with the sense of security and peace of the Papuan people. The security forces have identified these groups. So, what is handled there are these identified groups,” said the Head of Public Information Bureau of INP’s Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, in Jakarta, Monday (3/5).
In this case, Brigadier General Rusdi refers to the results of the mapping by the Papua Regional Police. At the same time, there are six KKB groups in Puncak, Intan Jaya, and Nduga.
KKB leaders who are active in the mountainous region of Papua have long been included in the Police Wanted List / DPOs such as Lekagak Telenggen, Murib Military, Sabinus Waker, and Egianus Kogoya.
“In the future, we will see, when they are given the label of terrorism. They will be subject to the eradication of terrorism law,” he added.
Likewise, the Chief of Papua Regional Police, Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri said that his organization would arrest KKB members alive.
“We will always do our best to catch the perpetrators of the KKB action alive,” told Mathius on Monday (3/5).