The government, through the Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto, held a ceremony for the awarding of a sign of honor and Extraordinary Rank Promotion (KPLB) to the crew members of the KRI Nanggala 402 at the Juanda Naval Air Base (Lanudal) Hangar, Surabaya, East Java, Thursday (29 / 4/2021).
The Minister of Defense as Ceremony Inspector, accompanied by TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Navy Chief of Staff (KSAL) Laksamana Yudo Margono, The Chief of INP General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, and several high ranking TNI-INP officers. After the ceremony, Police General Sigit took the time to visit the families or representatives of the Nanggala 402 crew one by one. This was done to provide strength and moral support.
As a form of respect, Sigit offered the Nanggala 402 crew members the children to join the police force.
“Fathers and mothers who have children who will serve in the police will be facilitated,” said The Chief of INP in a written statement.
According to The Chief of INP, the entire crew of the Nanggala 402 crew is part of the INP. Therefore, it is hoped that the family does not need to hesitate to convey things that need to be assisted by the police.
“If there are problems or difficulties related to the documents needed to be assisted, just tell me from the big family of the Nanggala 402 Ship, such as lost letters, STNK, and others,” said Police General Sigit.
It is known that the submarine KRI Nanggala 402 carrying 53 crew members was declared drowned in the waters north of Bali Island. The search process is also carried out maximally by the Government of Indonesia, related agencies, and assistance from other countries.