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Monday, February 10, 2025

INP Red and White Task Force Reveals 2.5 Tonnes of Methamphetamine Drug Trafficking

The INP Red and White Task Force revealed 2.5 tonnes of methamphetamine drug trafficking cases. This much evidence was obtained from prosecution from a number of places.

“And if we look at the danger side, we can secure 2.5 tonnes of these drugs. So we can secure approximately 10.1 million people who we saved, “said Chief of INP General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

This was conveyed by the Chief of INP in a press conference to reveal drug cases at INP Headquarters, Wednesday (28/4/2021). Also attending the press conference was Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Head of Criminal Investigation Board, Commissioner General Agus Andrianto and officials from the National Narcotics Agency.

In this case, the INP Task Force arrested a total of 18 suspects, consisting of 17 Indonesians and 1 Nigerian citizen.

The suspects were arrested in Meulaboh, West Aceh on April 15, 2021 night. Of the 18 suspects, 2.5 tonnes of crystal methamphetamine was confiscated which was stored in a fiber tub at a house in Lorong Kemakmuran, Meureubo, Aceh Barat, NAD.

This is not the first time the Red and White Task Force has exposed a large narcotics network. Previously, in July 2017 the joint team of the Jakarta Police and the Depok Police managed to reveal the journey of a ton of crystal methamphetamine originating from China in Anyer.

Based on these findings, the INP realizes that the development of the massive methamphetamine narcotics trade has entered Indonesia by sea.

INP formed a Red and White Special Task Force tasked with stemming the potential for the massive narcotics trade to enter Indonesia from abroad.

In May 2020 the INP Special Task Force managed to uncover the smuggling of methamphetamine weighing 821 kg in Pelabuhan Ratu. Furthermore, in June 2020 it succeeded in uncovering 400 kg of crystal methamphetamine in the Sukabumi area.

Then in December 2020 the Special Task Force managed to uncover an international drug network with 200 kg of crystal methamphetamine in the Petamburan area of Jakarta.

Based on the arrests made in 2020, it was found that the main suppliers of crystal methamphetamine to Indonesia in large numbers came from the Middle East.

Currently the Special Task Force is still developing the case. The suspects were detained under Article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary article 113 paragraph (2) more subsidiary article 112 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of death penalty, imprisonment for life, imprisonment for a minimum of 6 years and a maximum of 20 years and the maximum fine as referred to in paragraph 1 plus 1/3.

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