Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP), General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, emphasized that the state will not be inferior to the Papua Armed Criminal Group (KKB), which continues to carry out acts of terror against the people.
Sigit ordered the entire Nemangkawi Task Force not to be afraid to pursue the armed criminal group. “Therefore, I instruct all the task force members on duty to continue to pursue the KKB in Papua, keep fighting. The country must not lose,” said Sigit at a press conference at INP Headquarters, South Jakarta, Wednesday (28/4 / 2021).
Sigit emphasized that the Nemangkawi Task Force must continue to fight against the KKB because it has been unsettling. Moreover, in this case, the KKB never discriminated against its terror attacks. “We all know that the victims of the KKB are not only members of the TNI-INP. But civil society such as teachers, pastors, motorcycle taxi drivers, school children, then school dormitories that were damaged, also damaged housing belonging to the community,” said Sigit.
Sigit hopes that TNI-INP will continue to struggle and take the best steps to eliminate KKB. According to him, all TNI and INP leaders will be ready to provide the best support.
“Do the struggle, do the best you can do, all of you. And we INP leaders and all ranks in INP are ready to support whatever is needed to enforce the law in Papua, “said Sigit.
Meanwhile, Sigit gave promotions to three police personnel victims in the shootout with the KKB yesterday.
In the shootout of the TNI-INP and KKB, it was discovered that three police personnel were victims. One of them died. Meanwhile, two were injured as a result of being shot. “Therefore, on this occasion, we as the leaders of INP also gave rewards to the two soldiers, namely extraordinary promotions and the opportunity to take part in educational priorities,” said General Sigit.
General Sigit emphasized that after the shootout with the KKB, all ranks, especially the police who were members of the Nemangkawi Task Force, should continue to suppress armed groups enthusiastically. “On this occasion, of course, I continue to motivate all members who carry out their duties in Papua to continue to be enthusiastic and not be lax with the events that occur,” said Chief of INP.
General Sigit also raised the rank of Mobile Brigade personnel, Police Second Private I Komang Wira Natha, during a shootout with the Papua Armed Criminal Group (KKB), led by Lekagak Telenggen.
“INP has lost again one of our patriots who yesterday struggled in carrying out the activities to eradicate the KKB in Papua. Of course, as the leader of INP, I would like to express my deep sorrow for the death of one of our best personnel,” concluded General Sigit.