The Chief of INP, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, emphasized that the Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto principle or people’s safety is the highest law in facing the preparation for Eid Al-Fitr 2021.
This was conveyed by General Sigit in the cross-sectoral Coordination Meeting (Rakor) for readiness to face Idul Fitri 1442 Hijriah or 2021, which was attended by TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto as well as several Ministers and Kapolda ranks who followed virtually.
“People’s safety as the highest law or Salus Supreme Lex Esto,” said General Sigit in a Cross-Sectoral Coordination Meeting at INP Headquarters, South Jakarta, Wednesday (21/4/2021).
Sigit explained that this principle would later become the basis for police officers to prohibit people from going home for Lebaran.
According to Sigit, the government issued a homecoming prohibition policy. It will be implemented by INP and cross-sectoral because it is to reduce the rate of adding to the number of the coronavirus or Covid-19.
With the prohibition of going home, it follows the spirit of the principle of the Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto. Due to making efforts to save people from the spread of the coronavirus.
“INP will hold a safety operation from 12 to 25 May or for 14 days, to provide education for not carrying out homecoming because the Covid-19 rate is still high,” said General Sigit.
Besides, Sigit also instructed all staff to carry out enhanced Police Activities (KKYD) to anticipate and prevent crimes that could disrupt public security and order during Ramadan and Eid.
“The KKYD operation is the number of street crimes, large-scale patrols, places for community interaction such as terminals, terrorist acts in the month of Ramadaan to carry out the practice. Densus 88 colleagues are still watching,” said General Sigit.