Jakarta –
Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) and Chairman of the Indonesian Motorcycle Association (IMI), H. Bambang Soesatyo, S.E., M.B.A., accompanied The Chief of INP, General Police Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc., launched the SINAR online SIM (Precision National SIM) application developed by the INP Traffic Police Corps. The public can download the SINAR application on the App Store and Play Store on various smartphones.
After attending SINAR’s launch, in Jakarta, Tuesday (13/4/2021), Bamsoet admitted that he appreciated The Chief of INP’s move to launch the SINAR online SIM application after previously launching electronic traffic law enforcement (e-TLE) or electronic ticketing.
“With the SINAR application, people who want to extend their driver’s license do not need to come to the Satpas (SIM Administration Organizing Unit). No need to bother photocopying documents and to carry them in one folder. And there is no need to waste time because of the tight queues,” explained Bamsoet, Wednesday (14 / 4/2021).
The chairman of the 20th DPR RI explained that people are only obliged to come to the Satpas when making a new SIM because they have to take a practical exam. Meanwhile, Citizens can do theoretical tests, psychological examinations, and medical examinations online through the e-RIKKES and e-PPsi found in the SINAR application.
“Payment for the extension of the SIM validity period is also made online via the BNI virtual account, making INP the first ministry/institution to implement PNBP payments via virtual account. After making the payment, the printed SIM is sent directly to the applicant’s doorstep via PT Pos Indonesia. , or it can be taken by the applicant himself at the designated sim service unit, “explained Bamsoet.
The General Chairperson of the Tarung Derajat Sports Association (PB KODRAT) also explained that having a SIM is an obligation for every motorized vehicle driver. As stated in the provisions of Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police, Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, Government Regulation Number 44 of 1993 concerning Vehicles and Drivers.
“However, the realization is that there are still many drivers who do not have SIMs because it is difficult to maintain them. The INP Traffic Police Corps notes that no less than 10,000 motorized vehicle drivers on the highway are ticketed because they do not have a SIM,” explained Bamsoet.
The Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry emphasized that through the SINAR application with the various conveniences it offers, there is no longer any reason for the public not to take care of a SIM extension. Apart from ensuring security and safety on the road, the creation and extension of SIM also contribute to state revenue.
“Based on the 2019 Central Government Financial Report, state revenues from the manufacture and renewal of SIMs reached Rp1.305 trillion. Among others, IDR 662,022,775 from making new SIMs, and IDR 643,802,560 from SIM extensions. After the SINAR application is present, this amount may increase in the coming year, “said Bamsoet.
The former Chairman of Commission III DPR RI explained the validity period of the SIM is five years. After that, the owner is obliged to extend the validity period. If previously the SIM validity period was based on the owner’s date of birth, according to the Traffic Police Corps telegram letter Number ST / 2664 / X / Yan.1.1 / 2019, it is changed to be based on the date of issue.
“According to Government Regulation Number 60 of 2016 concerning Types and Rates of PNBP Types on the INP, the cost of making SIM A reaches IDR 120,000, and the extension reaches IDR 80,000. Meanwhile, SIM C is made up to IDR 100,000; the extension reaches IDR 75,000. Other additions are insurance IDR 30,000, health check IDR 25,000, and the cost of a driver’s clinical test certificate (SKUKP) for a public driver’s license is IDR 50,000, “said Bamsoet.
Besides, the Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party added that digitization through the SINAR application could reduce interactions between INP officers and the public. They were minimizing corrupt practices such as brokering, extortion, and other abuse of authority.
“The SINAR application also provides powerful access to big data for INP to be further utilized for improving service to the community. This breakthrough indicates that INP, especially Traffic Police Corps, is progressing. The more adaptive it is to the development of information technology,” concluded Bamsoet.