The Chief of INP General Listyo Sigit Prabowo officially launched the INP TV and Radio Division at the INP Public Relations Division Building, Monday (12/4).
The Chief of INP said that INP TV and Radio’s launch was part of the Bhayangkara Corps’ efforts to get closer to the community through a public communication strategy by utilizing technological advances and developments. “I hope that by launching INP TV and Radio, of course, we can provide education, information related to police services which we are currently developing,” said The Chief of INP in his speech, Monday (12/4).
With the INP TV and Radio, it is also hoped that they will inform the police about the police’s presence in the community both morning, afternoon, and evening. In this way, there will be interactions between the INP and the community.
On the other hand, INP TV and Radio are also expected to become trusted information channels for government programs, such as the introduction of Micro PPKM, forest and land fires, and how people deal with natural disasters. “The information provided to the public must be accurate, clear and reliable as well as aligned with and support government programs,” stressed The Chief of INP.
Meanwhile, The Head of INP’s Public Relations Division, Inspector General Argo Yuwono added, INP TV and Radio aim to provide information channels to the public transparently and reliably to realize a precise INP.
The aim is to facilitate the dissemination of information that is fast, accurate, and reliable. It can be used in the comprehensive socialization of the INP program, providing insights to the public about INP activities and performance results and becoming a reference for mainstream media in making media.
The INP TV Radio programs that will be presented to the public consist of. TV programs, namely: Presisi Evening, Presisi Afternoon, Presisi Update, In-depth Story, Check TKP, The Chief of INP a week, Commander Wish, Inspiration Morning, and Podcast INP Presisi; While the radio programs, namely: INP Podcast, Greeting the Citizens, Morning Inspiration, Evening Alert, Evening Precision, Morning Precision, and Top 5 News.