To gather INP with native Papuan students and students, the Central Java Regional Police created a program for Children and Foster Parents for Papuan Students in Central Java. Also attending, SWCU Teaching Staff Frans YS Rumino, Papuan leader Simon Sadrakh in Semarang, representatives of Perbakin and several Papuan foster children representatives. The program was launched today, Tuesday (06/04/2021), at the Patra Jasa Hotel, Semarang.
This program was created following the implementation of Special Autonomy Chapter II in Papua, which received a response from Indigenous Papuans in various regions in Indonesia, especially in Central Java. Some students who are members of the Papua Student Alliance responded to this by holding demonstrations.
Responding to this situation, the Central Java Regional Police made a breakthrough through the Chief of Central Java Regional Police Program, Inspector General. Pol. Drs. Ahmad Luthfi, SH, S.St., MK, namely the Pattern of Parenting Between Children and Foster Parents for Papuan Students and Students studying in Central Java to jointly create a conducive situation in the jurisdiction of the Central Java Regional Police.
The Chief of Regional Police explained, the goal of creating the program was to strengthen the relationship between the Central Java Regional Police and Papuan students and students, as well as a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas if problems arise so that there is active collaboration to realize public safety and order in Central Java jointly.
“This program assures the families of students in Papua. They no longer have to worry about children and their families in Central Java because conditions here remain safe,” explained the Chief of Regional Police.
The main objective of this program, continued by the Chief of Regional Police, is to ensure that young Papuan students in Central Java are safe and can continue to carry out normal activities and that their existence in the community is never a problem.
“We guarantee a sense of security and serenity for our younger siblings, our brothers. Students from Papua, we hope that we can facilitate communication in all matters, of course, so that we can live side by side and comfortably in the Central Java region,” said the Chief of Regional Police.