The Chief of INP General Police Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc., is grateful that the peak of Easter celebrations in Indonesia went smoothly and safely. TNI-INP always carries out escort and security until the entire series of activities are completed.
“We have followed, starting from the series of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and today the Peak Celebration of Easter is going well. We convey to all churches and congregation, please carry out the prepared Easter worship celebrations, “explained The Chief of INP while visiting GBI Fatmawati Bukit Sion Jakarta, Sunday (4/4/2021).
Besides, The Chief of INP also thanked all the people who had helped and created a conducive atmosphere after the Makassar bombing and terror at INP Headquarters.
“We TNI-INP will always carry out escort and security; for the community, there is no need to worry and fear,” said The Chief of INP.
According to The Chief of INP, all Regional Task Force continue to carry out movements against all suspected group activities. To date, his office has secured as many as 60 suspected terrorists who were arrested from several regions, such as Makassar, Yogyakarta, East Java and Bima.