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Friday, February 14, 2025

Binmas Noken INP Holds Pi Ajar in Puncak Jaya

Educating the next generation of the nation is the responsibility of all parties in providing educational services to children in Papua, which is a golden generation from the east of the archipelago as the successor to the baton in defending the sovereignty of the Nation and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Melinda said this, an education volunteer who took part with the Binmas Noken INP Goes to Teach (Pi Ajar) in Pagaleme village, Puncak Jaya Regency, Thursday / 1/4/2021.

Meanwhile, Police First Inspector Alaudin Patawari said that 30 children attended the teaching police activity children seemed enthusiastic in receiving every lesson given by the INP noken task force.

“We carry out the introduction of police duties as a child’s friend and care about education, introduce about heroes from Papua, teach about mutual help to fellow friends, teach national songs including Pancasila, Mother’s love and from Sabang to Merauke. Storytelling, this is to name a sense of love for the Indonesian homeland,” explained Police First Inspector Alaudin Patawari.

Binmas Noken INP also distributed study books to children and provided motivation and input to always study hard at school.

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