Welcoming Easter, Binmas Noken INP visit to the baptismal church I and II in Jiginigme Village, Pagaleme District, Puncak Jaya Regency with the Chief of Puncak Jaya Sub-Regional Police, AKBP. Drs. Mikael Suradal. MM., Thursday / 1/4/2021.
Chief of Puncak Jaya Sub-Regional Police, Police Superintendent Drs. Mikael Suradal. MM., On this occasion conveyed, as people who believe in God and welcome this joyful day, we, from the top of the Police, have successfully carried out visit and at the same time provided assistance to the pastors of Baptism I and II through the Noken INP Task Force Community Service
“We hope that this visit can be interpreted as a form of cooperation in establishing a harmonious relationship between the Police and the community. Do not look at the amount of assistance we provide, but from the aim, it is as a form of joy and support to the shepherd in serving the Ummah in Puncak Jaya Regency, “explained the Police Chief.
The Police Chief continued, in the future, this good relationship will continue to be improved between the police and church pastors in Puncak Jaya District so that this regency is always peaceful, safe and peaceful.
On that occasion, the Pastor II of the Jerusalem Church, Mr Beni Wenda, expressed his gratitude to the Chief of Puncak Jaya Sub-Regional Police and the INP Community Service Task Force for assisting on this happy Easter day.
“We, from the congregation and pastors, are delighted at this visit by the Chief of Sub-Regional Police with Binmas Noken INP, who has come down directly to assist us. May God, who has all blessings can repay all the kindness of Mr Chief of Sub-Regional Police and Task Force of the Noken INP Community Service. What is more, I hope that the glorious peak district will always be blessed and remain, Peaceful, Safe and Peaceful.