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Giving Public Lecture at UI, the Chief of INP Explained the Role of INP in Maintaining National Harmony


The Chief of INP General Listyo Sigit Prabowo gave a public lecture on nationality held by the Alumni Association of the University of Indonesia (Iluni) Postgraduate School of Strategic and Global Studies at the University of Indonesia Campus, Salemba, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (10/3/2021).

The Chief of INP explained how the role of INP is in improving the harmony of national life and precise law enforcement to realize a developed Indonesia.

“The current challenge is the challenge of polarization, which still has barriers (obstacles) during the Regional Election and presidential election, has not moved on to unite to build this nation,” said The Chief of INP, Gen. Sigit, reminded him.

For that, continued Listyo, INP wants to take a role in dealing with this problem by mainstreaming religious moderation.

Religious moderation in Indonesia is currently essential because Indonesia is a very diverse nation with various ethnicities, languages, cultures, and religions. Besides, changing the mindset of Sector Police throughout Indonesia as a basis for problem-solving.

On the other hand, The Chief of INP invited UI Alumni to see the opportunity for a demographic bonus in Indonesia so that it can trigger economic growth and development and welfare for the welfare of the community, one of which is by caring for diversity.

In this public lecture, The Chief of INP was accompanied by the Head of Criminal Investigation Board Commissioner-General Agus Andrianto, Head of Public Relations Inspector General Argo Yuwono, and Head of Profession and Internal Affairs Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

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