Jakarta – A total of 2,282 INP retirees or retired police officers from across the board have participated in the Covid-19 or coronavirus vaccination held by the INP Headquarters in Tribrata Building, South Jakarta, Monday (8/3/2021).
The Chief of INP, General Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who was also present at the event, said that the vaccination program for INP retirees was a form of love for seniors who had struggled to advance the Bhayangkara Corps during his time.
“There is a lot of input from the former senior of The Chief of INP and their support so that the preparation of the proper test until the inauguration can be carried out properly. We promise to keep the INP institution,” General Listyo Sigit said in his remarks.
According to him, this vaccination program is part of breaking the coronavirus chain, especially those at the forefront of suppressing the spread of Covid-19 and the elderly (elderly).
“In a short time, the group of groups can register according to the KTP to carry out the vaccinations which have been divided per batch,” said the former Head of the INP Criminal Investigation Board.
The four-star general hopes that with this mass vaccination, the number of Covid-19 spread in Indonesia will continue to decline. Moreover, currently, the Government is implementing Micro-based PPKM.
The vaccination was also attended by former The Chief of INP General (Purn) Timur Pradopo, General (Purn) Chairuddin Ismail, former Vice Chief of INP Commissioner-General (Purn) Makbul Padmanegara and General (Purn) Bambang Hendarso Danuri as Chairman of the Pensioner Association of INP and Secretary-General Inspector General (Purn) Sunarko.