Papua – INP Noken Binmas personnel with DPD KNPI Mimika regency accompanies the villagers of Mulia Kencana SP 7, Iwaka District, in planting rice, Wednesday (03/03/2021).
Senior Police Inspector Jhon Amandus N, as the Operations Officer of Binmas Noken, said this activity was very beneficial for the community’s economy in Mulia Kencana SP 7 Village. This activity was also a means of exchanging knowledge between the newcomer community of rice farmers and OAP, who usually only planted tuber to learn to plant rice in this activity.
“Today, we go down together with KNPI and the noble community to plant rice, together with learn to plant rice with the hope that in the future the community can meet their economic needs,” said the Operations Administration Officer of Binmas Noken.
He continued, people who have never planted rice can learn and share what they already know to be independent, open land and start producing their rice. We are always ready to support and accompany community business activities for mutual progress.
“Other people can learn to grow rice and can open more land until 2022 so that the needs in the economic sector are fulfilled. I want to thank the Binmas Noken INP and KNPI who have been willing to help, hopefully, support us all here,” concluded the Binmas Noken Operations Administration Officer.