Jakarta – Head of Criminal Investigation Board of Indonesian National Police (INP), Commissioner General Agus Andrianto, revealed that virtual police services have started to run. The Head of Criminal Investigation Board asked people who the virtual Police reprimanded to cooperate by deleting posts on social media because they were indicated to have violated the ITE Law.
The Head of Criminal Investigation Board said the virtual Police would not be arbitrary in reprimanding social media users who violated the ITE Law. Therefore, people are asked not to argue if they are asked to remove content on social media.
“Disputing their rights, but what was conveyed by the members who are members of the virtual Police is, of course, related to the uploaded content. Awareness (removing content) that is expected. Not arguing in cyberspace, “said Head of Criminal Investigation Board of INP Commissioner General Pol Agus Andrianto in a written statement, Monday (1/3/2021).
Commissioner General Agus, the community’s cooperative attitude when admonished is highly desirable. Because if any party who feels aggrieved in the post reports to the Police, then legal proceedings are a consequence.
“If you are stubborn in the process, if someone reports or according to the analysis and predictions of the officers, the potential for the disintegration of the nation will be processed,” he said.
Commissioner General Agus opens as wide as possible the mediation process if there is a police report about the party who feels aggrieved due to social media content. Commissioner General Agus reminded that users are expected to cooperate when being admonished for reducing social media content.
“Please (argue) there are risks, as long as the aggrieved person must report it. If it is reported, there is also a space for mediation,” he concluded.