Merauke – Chief of Jagebob Police Sector, Police Second Inspector Sukirno S. Sos with Anggerpermegi Village residents, Jagebob District, Merauke harvesting pineapples from Merauke Market community, Sunday (21/02/2021).
The police work in partnership with farmers who own land in the local area. Indonesian National Police (INP) implemented this partnership to improve the economy of residents affected by Covid-19.
On his occasion, the Chief of Jagebob Police Sector said that the pineapple planting action was in line with the Government’s program to strengthen the people’s food security in Jayapura Regency amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The formation of farmer groups on the personal initiative because they saw empty land without results and invited the community to form farmer groups to use the empty land for gardening,” said the Chief of Jagebob Police Sector.
With the pineapple harvest, it is hoped that it can help the community’s economy during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hopefully, this harvest can be useful for residents.