Jakarta – The Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP), General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, emphasized that Police Assistant Superintendent Yuni Purwanto Kusuma Dewi had been dismissed from his position as The Chief of the Astanaanyar Sector Police for being involved in drugs. The Chief of INP also negated zero tolerance for members to engage in such abuse.
“When it comes to members who commit violations, I think it is clear that we have never tolerated it; we will act decisively,” said The Chief of INP General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Friday (19/2/2021).
The Chief of INP said the institution would impose two sanctions on Police Assistant Superintendent Yuni. One of them is a criminal sanction. The National Police program will process the case.
“There are rules, internal regulations from Profession and Internal Affair, there are also penalties,” he said.
Police Assistant Superintendent Yuni and 11 members of the Astanaanyar Sector Police were proven to be involved in drugs. Although there is no evidence of drugs, Police Assistant Superintendent Yuni’s urine test results are positive for drugs.