Jakarta – The Chief of INP General Listyo Sigit Prabowo requested that the investigators have some clue to hold onto when handling cases related to the ITE Law. The Chief of INP General Sigit conveyed this after receiving instructions from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who asked for more selective use of the ITE Law.
“Follow-up related to the direction of the President, particularly concerning the rubber articles in UU ITE had already told you. Please make some secret telegram letter or instructions so that later this can be used as a guide for investigators when they receive the report, “said The Chief of INP, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo at the 2021 TNI-Polri Leadership Meeting at INP Headquarters, Tuesday (16/2 / 2021).
The Chief of INP also ordered the establishment of a “virtual police”. Later, this virtual police will reprimand the violators of the ITE Law.
“Therefore, it is important from cyber to create virtual police immediately. So that when there are sentences that violate the ITE Law, the virtual police will then reprimand. Reprimand and then explained: that you have the potential of violating article umpteen under penalty. Then given what he should do, “said The Chief of INP.
The Chief of INP General Sigit also wants to engage influencers who have a lot to educate followers about the ITE Law.
“I think this can also involve influencers who are liked by people who have a lot of followers. The educational process is also felt comfortable, not only frightening but then making people interested, then aware, and then understanding that this is permissible, and this is not allowed. Please do things like that, “he said.