South Sulawesi – The Chief of INP Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo gave an award to members of the Police’s Security and Public Order Officers in Lampoko Village, Barebbo District, Bone District, Gunawan Police Chief Brigadier for his loyalty to the Balla Ewako program.
The award was also given to the Sinjai Police Brigadier Ilham Nur members for his initiative to establish a Mobile Library.
For their dedication, The Chief of INP promoted the two INP personnel to the Police Inspector School (SIP). “For their loyalty, they will be given school promotions next year,” said The Chief of INP General Listyo Sigit during his working visit to the South Sulawesi Regional Police (Sulsel), Thursday (11/2/2021).
In general, The Chief of INP also appreciated the South Sulawesi Police personnel’s performance with the Balla Ewako program. It succeeded in making South Sulawesi move out of the red zone into a green area.
Police General Listyo Sigit hopes that South Sulawesi Police personnel will continue to enforce health protocols.
“So the Police’s Security and Public Order Officers (Bhabinkamtibmas) and village supervisory noncommissioned officers (Babinsa) assist health workers in visiting the community in carrying out tracking and vaccines and are expected to be more active in combing as much as possible,” said The Chief of INP.
The former Chief of Banten Regional Police explained that although South Sulawesi Province is not included in the seven regions with restrictions on the enforcement of community activities (PPKM) monitored, it has carried out from the review results tracing, testing, treatment (3T) correctly. Including discipline in the use of masks and the rules of other health protocols, reportedly implemented well.
“I entrusted it to maintain discipline. Through the program, it is held so that the green zone remains and the economic growth in this area is getting better and better, “The Chief of INP said.