South Sulawesi – Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah and The Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP), Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo inaugurated 50 permanent residential houses for police officers and their families who were victims of the earthquake in West Sulawesi.
The inauguration was symbolized by the laying of the first stone by the Governor of South Sulawesi and The Chief of INP. The construction of the house is official assistance from the South Sulawesi Provincial Government.
“The governor of South Sulawesi assisted members of the Police, who were affected by the earthquake,” said the Police General during his working visit, Friday (12/2/2021).
The Chief of INP explained that assistance was a form of brotherhood between the provincial government where the community was experiencing difficulties due to natural disasters.
“As a form of brotherhood values, although different provinces feel empathy as their citizens. Because before the division of West Sulawesi was a South Sulawesi region,” said The Chief of INP.
With this development, Police General Sigit hopes that all police personnel will be motivated and motivated to continue to be enthusiastic about carrying out their duties in maintaining security and social security.
“They are given the motivation to stay enthusiastic by increasing brotherhood and unity. Stay alert to the Covid-19 situation and implement health protocols,” said The Chief of INP.
Previously, West Sulawesi was rocked by an earthquake measuring magnitude 6.2 some time ago. As a result, several buildings were damaged quite severely.
Currently, there are 11,423 houses in Mamuju, and 4,099 houses in Majene damaged.